My Family Artists &Friends

Emil Ernebro

SE Touring No.1

Delivered August 27,2024

Ytterby, Sweden

Shane Hennessy

SE Touring No. 4

Delivered August 25, 2024

Brian Sutherland

Jenn Bostic

Dave Fenely

Brian & Jenn


Brian & Dave


Jim Olson


Don Kendall

Emil & Me above
Emil & Tommy below
June 12, 2018 . When & Where .
It All Began

Concert, consult & conversation in the Central Station Park. Sparked the inspiration for the SE Touring Series of 14 Fret Parlor Guitars.

Living my best Luthier Life.

EMIL ERNEBRO Recording Studio August 27, 2024

Six Years after the Concert in the Park: The first performance piece on Emil's new guitar. The original Kodiak Sitka 14-fret Parlor SE Touring No.1/6 named "Lego" and his "bring you to tears"arrangement of Desperado.

Living my best Luthier Life. 

Emil & Shane

Shortly after "The 2018Concert in the Park" Emil introduced me to Shane Hennessy.

Shane & Tommy in Dublin above
Shane & Me in Dublin below
Living my best Luthier Life
SHANE HENNESSY . Carlow, Ireland . SE Touring No.4

Kodiak Sitka 14Fret-Parlor SE Touring No.4/6  "SqueezeBox"

JENN BOSTIC with her "Ellie"
Christmas 2018

Oulu Red Pine Parlor No. EMB 3/5   "Ellie" after being certified legit by Emil Ernebro during the June 2018 "Concert in the Park". Gothenburg Central Station.

Jenn Bostic & "Ellie"

St. Micheal Theatre . February 2018 . Legit

St. Micheal, MN .  February 2019

Triple-O Exp No.11 "Olivia's" very first public appearance of my very first "off the traditional rails", knotty, wide grain, Oulu Red Pine favorite guitar.

Living my best Luthier Life.

Brian Sutherland & Dave Fenely

Consummate professional musicians and Nashville based collaborating Dads! Shelby Park swing-sets and bubbles, September 10, 2024.

Living my best Luthier Life


Red Cedar Grand Concert No.18   "Dorothy"

JessLee with Steve Virginia & his Parlor named"Bones"

Kodiak Sitka 14Fret-Parlor SE Touring No.3/6  "Bones"

Since 2003: Inspiring the Music of the Player and the Imagination of the Collector